Research Cluster
Hidden Costs of Global Supply Chains
Photo: Katarina Sabados
Trillions of dollars a year of merchandise travel across oceans and continents linking low cost manufacturers from developing countries to large discount-driven consumer markets. While the benefits of these supply chains are clear — jobs, goods and commerce — the costs are largely hidden from the public.
Millions of people are victims of forced labour around the world. Corruption costs countries, businesses and consumers trillions of dollars. The environmental and climate effects of global trade are growing. Hidden Costs brings together journalists and scholars to research and report on the complexities of global trade.
This research cluster, led by the Global Reporting Centre, aims to reveal the consequences of global supply chains. Our investigative team includes seasoned award-winning journalists, who are partnering with leading scholars and students to embark on ambitious research and reporting projects.
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For an updated list of the journalism and knowledge translation projects related to this research, visit this page.
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Research by publication year
Note: this list includes both research directly supported by the Hidden Costs research cluster, and additional supply chain-related research by cluster members.
Journal | Title | Cluster Researcher(s) | Link |
Global Environmental Politics | Surging Biojustice Environmentalism from Below: Hope for Ending the Earth System Emergency? | Peter Dauvergne, Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
New Political Economy | Trade fetishism and the trade justice ratchet: between token and substantive change in NAFTA 2.0 | Gavin Fridell | Read the publication |
Marine Policy | Ocean predators: Squids, Chinese fleets and the geopolitics of high seas fishing | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Marine Policy | The Necessity of Justice for a Fair, Legitimate, and Effective Treaty on Plastic Pollution | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
The Extractive Industries and Society | Green transition mineral supply risks: Comparing artisanal and deep-sea cobalt mining in a time of climate crisis | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Journal | Title | Cluster Researcher(s) | Link |
Perspectives on Politics | Bringing the Environment Back In: Overcoming the Tragedy of the Diffusion of the Commons Metaphor | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
Science Advances | Fish crimes in the global oceans | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Earth System Governance | Democratising sustainability transformations: Assessing the transformative potential of democratic practices in environmental governance | Michael Bloomfield | Read the publication |
Studies in Political Economy | Canada, the Covid-19 Waiver, and Trade Fetishism | Gavin Fridell | Read the publication |
Nature Social Behaviour | Ocean sustainability for all requires deeper behavioural research | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Annals of the American Association of Geographers | Species on the move: Environmental change, displacement and conservation. | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Human Relations | Hybrid (un)freedom in worker hostels in garment supply chains | Andrew Crane, Michael Bloomfield, Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
The Extractive Industries and Society | The Influence of Home Country Institutions on the Adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility Policies by Transnational Mining Corporations | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
The Extractive Industries and Society | Sand mining: Stopping the grind of unregulated supply chains | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Global Environmental Change | China’s Rising Influence on Climate Governance: Forging a Path for the Global South | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
The Journal of Peasant Studies | Concentration and crises: exploring the deep roots of vulnerability in the global industrial food system | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Journal | Title | Cluster Researcher(s) | Link |
Review of International Political Economy | Cleaning mineral supply chains? Political economies of exploitation and hidden costs of technical fixes | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Review of International Political Economy | The hidden costs of global supply chain solutions | Genevieve LeBaron, Jane Lister | Read the publication |
Climate Policy | Fossil fuels, climate change, and the COVID-19 crisis: pathways for a just and green post-pandemic recovery | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Science | WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies | Daniel Pauly, Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Business and Human Rights Journal | Wages: An Overlooked Dimension of Business and Human Rights in Global Supply Chains | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
The Extractive Industries and Society | Conflict minerals and battery materials supply chains: A mapping review of responsible sourcing initiatives | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management | Health Concerns of Plastics: Energizing the Global Diffusion of Anti-Plastic Norms | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
The Extractive Industries and Society | Corporate accountability and diplomatic liability in overseas extractive projects | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Extractive Industries and Society | Conflict minerals and battery materials supply chains: A mapping review of responsible sourcing initiatives | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Journal of Peasant Studies | Struggles for land: Comparing resistance movements against agro-industrial and mining investment projects | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Nature Food | The problem with growing corporate concentration and power in the global food system | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Global Environmental Politics | Transparency in Environmental and Resource Governance: Theories of Change for the EITI | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Energy Research and Social Science | Oil, fisheries and coastal communities: A review of impacts on the environment, livelihoods, space and governance | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Conservation Letters | Understanding and responding to the environmental human rights defenders crisis: The case for conservation action | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Regulation & Governance | Private authority and public policy interactions in global context: Governance spheres for problem solving | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
The Journal of Environment & Development | The Politics of Transnational Advocacy Against Chinese, Indian, and Brazilian Extractive Projects in the Global South | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
Global Governance | Corporate Governance and the Environmental Politics of Shipping | Peter Dauvergne, Jane Lister | Read the publication |
Journal of Political Ecology | Crisis conservation and green extraction: biodiversity offsets as spaces of double exception | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
One Earth | Exploring the future of fishery conflict through narrative scenarios | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Journal of Supply Chain Management | The Role of Supply Chains in the Global Business of Forced Labour | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Journal of Political Ecology | Crisis conservation and green extraction: biodiversity offsets as spaces of double exception | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation | The value of studying supply chains for tobacco control | Michael Bloomfield | Read the publication |
Geoforum | Reconciling violence: Policing the politics of recognition | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Polity Press | Gold | Michael Bloomfield | Read the publication |
Fish and Fisheries | Ethical considerations for research on small‐scale fisheries and blue crimes | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Book (Fernwood Publishing) | The Fair Trade Handbook: Building a Better World, Together | Gavin Fridell | Read the publication |
Journal | Title | Cluster Researcher(s) | Link |
Review of International Political Economy | The hidden costs of law in the governance of global supply chains: the turn to arbitration | Claire Cutler, David Lark | Read the publication |
Review of International Political Economy | The hidden costs of environmental upgrading in global value chains | Stefano Ponte | Read the publication |
Investment Treaty News | Incorporating corporate social responsibility within investment treaty law and arbitral practice: Progress or fantasy remedy? | Claire Cutler, David Lark | Read the publication |
Review of International Political Economy | The political economy of inclusion and exclusion: state, labour and the costs of supply chain integration in the Eastern Caribbean | Gavin Fridell | Read the publication |
Review of International Political Economy | Is artificial intelligence greening global supply chains? Exposing the political economy of environmental costs | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
Review of International Political Economy | Regulating sustainable minerals in electronics supply chains: local power struggles and the ‘hidden costs’ of global tin supply chain governance | Kate Macdonald | Read the publication |
Ecological Economics | Private sustainability standards as tools for empowering southern pro-regulatory coalitions? Collaboration, conflict and the pursuit of sustainable palm oil | Kate Macdonald | Read the publication |
Ecological Economics | South-South trade and sustainable development: The case of Ceylon tea | Michael Bloomfield | Read the publication |
Journal | Title | Cluster Researcher(s) | Link |
Ecological Modelling | Building bridges between global information systems on marine organisms and ecosystem models | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Forest Policy and Economics | Squaring the circle: Refining the competitiveness logic for the circular bioeconomy | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
The Extractive Industries and Society | Natural gas extraction and community development in Tanzania: Documenting the gaps between rhetoric and reality | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Philosophy & Public Affairs | Ethical Consumerism: A Defence of Market Vigilantism | Kate Macdonald | Read the publication |
Frontiers in Marine Science | Editorial: Historical Reconstructions of Marine Fisheries Catches: Challenges and Opportunities | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Scientific Reports | Resilience of Central Pacific coral reefs subject to frequent heat stress and human disturbance | Simon Donner | Read the publication |
Nature Sustainability | Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economy | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Theoretical Criminology | Grappling with injustice: Corporate crime, multinational business and interrogation of law in context | Kate Macdonald | Read the publication |
University of Toronto Press | Let’s Get a Coffee, in Power and Everyday Practices, 2nd Edition p. 309-326 | Gavin Fridell | Read the publication |
Sage Publications | The Business of Human trafficking and Contemporary Slavery | Andrew Crane | Read the publication |
The Journal of Development Studies | Gender and Forced Labour: Understanding the Links in Global Cocoa Supply Chains | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Global Environmental Change | Global patterns of fisheries conflict: Forty years of data | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Regulation & Governance | Non-judicial business regulation and community access to remedy | Kate Macdonald | Read the publication |
Global Sustainability | Viewpoint: Back to the future for fisheries, where will we choose to go? | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Policy and Society | Designing Stakeholder Learning Dialogues for Effective Global Governance | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
Oxford University Press | Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization (5th ed.) | Andrew Crane | Read the publication |
Fisheries Management and Ecology | The hidden value of artisanal fisheries in Honduras | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Review of International Political Economy | The Rise of Financial Investment and Common Ownership in Agrifood Firms | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Oxford University Press | Methodological challenges in the business of forced labour in Researching Forced Labour in the Global Economy: Methodological Challenges and Advances | Andrew Crane, Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings | Business-to-Business Conflicts and Environmental Governance in Global Supply Chains. Academy of Management Proceedings | Michael Bloomfield | Read the publication |
Business Ethics Quarterly | Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives on Sustainability: A Cross-Disciplinary Review and Research Agenda for Business Ethics | Stefano Ponte | Read the publication |
Governance: An international journal of policy, administration, and institutions | Transnational policy influence and the politics of legitimation | Kate Macdonald | Read the publication |
Fisheries Research | Using harmonized historical catch data to infer the expansion of global tuna fisheries | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Review of International Political Economy | Capitalism and Unfree Labour: Marxist Perspectives on Contemporary Developments in the Study of Modern Slavery | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Regulation & Governance | The evolution of power in the global coffee value chain and production network | Stefano Ponte | Read the publication |
Environmental Science & Policy | Plastics at sea: Treaty design for a global solution to marine plastic pollution | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Ecological Modelling | Building bridges between global information systems on marine organisms and ecosystem models | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Forest Policy and Economics | Squaring the circle: Refining the competitiveness logic for the circular bioeconomy | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
Business and Society | Formative Perspectives on the Relation Between CSR Communication and CSR Practices: Pathways for Walking, Talking, and T(w)alking | Andrew Crane | Read the publication |
Annals of the American Association of Geographers | Deadly Environmental Governance: Authoritarianism, Eco-populism, and the Repression of Environmental and Land Defenders | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space | Just cuts for fossil fuels? Supply-side carbon constraints and energy transition | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Human Geography | Social Upgrading as Market Fantasy: The Limits of Global Value Chain Integration | Gavin Fridell | Read the publication |
Marine Policy | Official catch data underrepresent shark and ray taxa caught in Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Routledge | Financializing Nature in Handbook on Global Sustainability Governance | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Business and Society | Publishing Interdisciplinary Research in Business & Society | Andrew Crane | Read the publication |
Review of International Political Economy | Power in global value chains | Stefano Ponte | Read the publication |
Global Environmental Change | Criteria for effective zero-deforestation commitments | Jennifer Clapp, Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
Duke University Press | The Metropolis: The Infrastructure of the Anthropocene | Gastón Gordillo | Read the publication |
European Journal of International Relations | Towards a ‘pluralist’ world order: creative agency and legitimacy in global institutions | Kate Macdonald | Read the publication |
Marine Policy | The fisheries of the South China Sea: Major trends since 1950 | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Organization and Natural Environment(ONE) | Do Private Regulations ‘Ratchet Up?’ How to distinguish types of regulatory stringency and patterns of change | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
Journal | Title | Cluster Researcher(s) | Link |
Regulation & Governance | Big audit firms as regulatory intermediaries in transnational labor governance | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Marine Policy | Out of control means off the menu: The case for ceasing consumption of luxury products from highly vulnerable species when international trade cannot be adequately controlled; shark fin as a case study | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Energy Research & Social Science | Stability and climate policy? Harnessing insights from the literature on path dependency, policy feedback, and pathways to help accelerate the low-carbon transition | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
Global Environmental Politics | Special Issue on the Global Environmental Politics of Food | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Transportation Policy and Economic Regulation | Commoditization and segmentation of aviation markets | David Gillen | Read the publication |
Midwest Studies in Philosophy | The Moral Accountability of the Financial Industry for the Global Financial Crisis | David Silver | Read the publication |
Environmental Politics | The power of environmental norms: marine plastic pollution and the politics of microbeads | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
PLoS ONE | Establishing company level fishing revenue and profit losses from fisheries: A bottom-up approach | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Routledge | Reflections on the Amsterdam School and the transnational capitalist class in Transnational Capital and Class Fractions: The Amsterdam School Perspective Reconsidered | William Carroll | Read the publication |
International Forestry Review | Global forest discourses must connect with local forest realities | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
Development and Change | Risky Returns: The Implications of Financialization in the Food System | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Edward Elgar Publishing | Researching the Global Environmental Politics of Food in A Research Agenda for Global Environmental Politics | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Global Environmental Change | Integration anxiety: The cognitive isolation of climate change | Simon Donner | Read the publication |
Routledge | On the Contest of Lists and Their Governing Capacities in Education by the Numbers and the Making of Society: The Expertise of International Assessments. | Hans Krause Hansen | Read the publication |
Global Environmental Politics | The Global Politics of the Business of “Sustainable” Palm Oil | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
Nature Communivcations | Modern slavery and the race to fish | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Studies in Political Economy | Corporate power, fossil capital, climate crisis: Introducing the Corporate Mapping Project | William Carroll | Read the publication |
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies | The Judicialization of Private Transnational Power and Authority | Claire Cutler | Read the publication |
Working Paper No 32 | Mapping and measuring the effectiveness of labour-related disclosure requirements for global supply chains | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal | Gold mining in Colombia, post-war crime and the peace agreement with the FARC | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Oxford University Pres | Conceptualizing Political Consumerism as Part of the Global Value Chain | Gavin Fridell | Read the publication |
Edward Elgar Publishing | Chapter 10: Problems of Bottom-up Collaboration: Evolutionary Pathways and Capacity Challenges of NSMD governance institutions in Collaboration and Public Service Delivery: Promise and Pitfall | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
Environmental Research Letters | Measuring what works: quantifying greenhouse gas emission reductions of behavioural interventions to reduce driving, meat consumption, and household energy use | Simon Donner | Read the publication |
Nature Ecology & Evolution, | Tax havens are the tip of the iceberg | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Current Biology | Persisting worldwide seabird-fishery competition despite seabird community decline | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Fernwood Publishing | Organizing the 1%: How Corporate Power Works | William Carroll | Read the publication |
Edward Elgar Publishing | Interlocking directorates and corporate networks in Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation | William Carroll | Read the publication |
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability | Forest certification: the challenge of measuring impacts | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
Routledge | Food and hunger in International Organization and Global Governance | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Journal of Business Ethics | Innovations in the business models of modern slavery: Exploring the dark side of business model innovaton | Andrew Crane, Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies | Policing Corruption Post- and Pre-crime: Collective Action and Private Authority in the Maritime Industry | Hans Krause Hansen | Read the publication |
E-International Relations | The UK Modern Slavery Act: Transparency through Disclosure in Global Governance | Michael Bloomfield, Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Book Publication | Will Big Business Destroy Our Planet? | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
Polity Press | Carbon | Kate Ervine | Read the publication |
Latin american journal of aquatic research | The offshore recreational fisheries of northeastern Brazil | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Canadian Review of Sociology | The corporate elite and the architecture of climate change denial: a network analysis of carbon capital’s reach into civil society | William Carroll | Read the publication |
Fernwood Publishing | Speculative Harvests: Financialization, Food, and Agriculture | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Routledge | The Politics of Private Transnational Governance by Contract | Claire Cutler | Read the publication |
Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management | Empirical Analysis and Simulation Modeling of a Canadian Seaport Transportation Network | David Gillen | Read the publication |
SPERI & University of Sheffield | The Global Business of Forced Labour: Report of Findings | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Third World Quarterly | The slow violence of corporate social responsibility: the case of mining in Peru | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
Between the Lines | Carbon capital and corporate influence: Mapping elite networks of corporations, universities and research institutes in Corporatizing Canada Making Business out of Public Service | William Carroll | Read the publication |
Global Environmental Change | Do eco-labels prevent deforestation? Lessons from non-state market driven governance in the soy, palm oil, and cocoa sectors | Hamish van der Ven, Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
Global Environmental Politics | Mega-Mergers on the Menu: Corporate Concentration and the Politics of Sustainability in the Global Food System | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Climatic Change | Six languages for a risky climate: how farmers react to weather and climate change | Simon Donner | Read the publication |
ISA Annual Convention | Arcane and Effective, but How?: On the Power of Lists, List Contests and Data Controversies in the Formation of Transnational Governance Spaces | Hans Krause Hansen | Read the publication |
Book Publication | Researching Forced Labour in the Global Economy: Methodological Challenges and Advances | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Frontiers in Marine Science | Future of fishing for a vulnerable atoll: Trends in catch and catch-per-unit-effort in Tokelau’s domestic marine fisheries 1950–2016 | Daniel Pauly | Read the publication |
Alternate Routes | Rethinking the transnational capitalist class | William Carroll | Read the publication |
Routledge | Environmental Political Economy in Companion to Environmental Studies | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Edward Elgar Publishing | The Rule of Law, New Constitutionalism and Transnational Legality in Handbook on the Rule of Law | Claire Cutler | Read the publication |
Journal | Title | Cluster Researcher(s) | Link |
The Coming Crisis | The Coming Crisis of Planetary Instability | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
New Political Economy | How low can it go? Analysing the political economy of carbon market design and low carbon prices | Kate Ervine | Read the publication |
Canadian Journal of Sociology | Canada’s carbon-capital elite: a tangled web of corporate power | William Carroll | Read the publication |
Agriculture and Human Values | Responsibility to the Rescue: Governing Global Private Financial Investment in Agriculture | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Book Publication | The new gatekeeper: Ethical audits as a mechanism of global value chain governance | Genevieve LeBaron, Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
World Development | Least-Developed Countries in a World of Global Value Chains: Are WTO Trade Negotiations Helping? | Stefano Ponte | Read the publication |
The Extractive Industries and Society | Why do some communities resist mining projects while others do not? | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
Columbia Journalism Review | Newsrooms are Making Leaking Easier – and More Secure Than Ever | Charles Berret | Read the publication |
Globalizations | Governing Global Supply Chain Sustainability through the Ethical Audit Regime | Genevieve LeBaron, Andrew Crane | Read the publication |
New Political Economy | Global Production Networks and Activism: Can Activists Change Mining Practices by Targeting Brands? | Michael Bloomfield | Read the publication |
Regulation & Governance | Public orchestration, social networks, and transnational environmental governance: Lessons from the aviation industry | Stefano Ponte | Read the publication |
Georgetown University Press | Containing Conflict: Authoritative Transnational Actors and the Management of Company-Community Conflict | Kate Macdonald | Read the publication |
International Forestry Review | Towards durable multistakeholder-generated solutions: The pilot application of a problem-oriented policy learning protocol to legality verification and community rights in Peru | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
The Journal of Peasant Studies | The Trade-ification of the Food Sustainability Agenda | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Environmental Communication | Risk and Responsibility in Public Engagement by Climate Scientists: Reconsidering Advocacy During the Trump Era | Simon Donner | Read the publication |
Wiley | Corruption and Organizational Communication in The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication | Hans Krause Hansen | Read the publication |
New Political Economy | States and the Political Economy of Unfree Labour | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Global Environmental Politics | Tracing failure of coral reef protection in nonstate market-driven governance | Michael Bloomfield | Read the publication |
John Wiley & Sons | Oil, 2nd Edition | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science | The Role of Beneficiaries in Transnational Regulatory Processes | Kate Macdonald | Read the publication |
Energy Economics | A Two-Part Feed-in-Tariff for Intermittent Electricity Generation | Werner Antweiler | Read the publication |
Critical Sociology | Transnational Alternative Policy Groups in Global Civil Society: Enablers of Post-Capitalist Alternatives or Carriers of NGOization? In Collaboration and Public Service Delivery: Promise and Pitfall | William Carroll | Read the publication |
Agriculture and Human Values | The complex dynamics of agriculture as a financial asset: introduction to symposium | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review | Modeling the effects of unilateral and uniform emission regulations under shipping company and port competition | David Gillen | Read the publication |
Regulation & Governance | Governance gaps in eradicating forced labor: From global to domestic supply chains | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
The Journal of Environment & Development | Is the Power of Brand-Focused Activism Rising? The Case of Tropical Deforestation | Peter Dauvergne | Read the publication |
Edward Elgar Publishing | Corruption, Natural Resources and Development From Resource Curse to Political Ecology | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
The Journal of Peasant Studies | The global political economy of climate change, agriculture and food systems | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
PLoS-One | A new, high-resolution global mass coral bleaching database | Simon Donner | Read the publication |
Socio-Economic Review | The domestic politics of corporate accountability legislation | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
Globalizations | Big Food, Nutritionism, and Corporate Power | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations | What do Big Data do in Global Governance? | Hans Krause Hansen | Read the publication |
New Political Economy | Global production networks and activism: can activists change mining practices by targeting brands? | Michael Bloomfield | Read the publication |
Demanding Justice in The Global South | Demanding Rights in Company-Community Resource Extraction Conflicts: Examining the Cases of Vedanta and POSCO in Odisha, India | Kate Macdonald | Read the publication |
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies | Emission trading for air pollution hot spots: getting the permit market right | Werner Antweiler | Read the publication |
Global Policy | Steering CSR Through Home State Regulation: A Comparison of the Impact of the UK Bribery Act and Modern Slavery Act on Global Supply Chain Governance | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |
MIT Press | Dirty gold: How activism transformed the jewelry industry | Michael Bloomfield | Read the publication |
Geoforum | Landing capital and assembling ‘investable land’ in the extractive and agricultural sectors | Philippe Le Billon | Read the publication |
International Forestry Review | Narrating illegal logging across the globe. Between Green Protectionism and Sustainable Resource Use | Ben Cashore | Read the publication |
Food Policy | Food self-sufficiency: Making sense of it, and when it makes sense | Jennifer Clapp | Read the publication |
Biogeochemistry | Publicity or Perish: Finding the balance in science communication | Simon Donner | Read the publication |
Critical Perspectives on International Business | Corporate Responses to Stakeholder Activism: Partnerships and Surveillance | Hans Krause Hansen | Read the publication |
Journal | Title | Cluster Researcher(s) | Link |
SPERI Global Political Economy Briefs | Ethical audits and the supply chains of global corporations | Genevieve LeBaron | Read the publication |