Latest Feature / Trust Us
Episode 1
Inside Jersey Offshore
Trust Us is a four-part podcast series that tells the fascinating(ly brazen) story of a trove of leaked documents that exposed the machinations of a trust company in Jersey.
Hosted by Sam Eifling, produced by the GRC and EIC. In partnership with Bribe, Swindle or Steal from TRACE International. Listen on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Latest Feature / Trust Us
Episode 2
The investigation
“No matter how much you try to obscure it, you still leave some traces.”
Hear about how the discovery of some key documents among thousands helped journalists uncover an elaborate money laundering scheme. Episode 2 is out now on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Latest Feature / Trust Us
Episode 3
The Jersey way
“I think as soon as you’ve got your money into Jersey, you’re halfway there to cleaning it.”
Journalist Isobel Koshiw and Sam Eifling discuss the inner-workings of Jersey and the nearly $150 billion USD that enters London from Jersey every year. Episode 3 is out now on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Latest Feature / Trust Us
Episode 4
Beyond the 11 ways
“It was a different kind of leak: it was the forensics, the wire transfers, the emails…”
In the fourth and final episode, Sam Eifling talks to journalists Robert Cribb, Marco Chown Oved, and Calyn Shaw about their experiences with the Jersey Offshore investigation. Out now on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.