At the Global Reporting Centre, collaborative journalism is at the core of what we do. Most of our work is published in partnership with media outlets from around the world. Our partners include: The Tyee, The Toronto Star, NBC News, PBS NewsHour, and The Associated Press. In response to the Online News Act, or Bill C-18, select content produced by these outlets is currently blocked on Meta-owned platforms in Canada.

We encourage you to bookmark their homepages or consider other strategies to continue to access their content, like an RSS reader.

In addition to this move by Meta, Google has stated “when the law takes effect we will be removing links to Canadian news from our Search, News, and Discover products” due to Bill C-18. We at the GRC are concerned about the information vacuum this will create for people who use Google and Meta to discover and access news — we believe this action will worsen the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation on these platforms and it will undermine the public’s ability to stay informed. 

As a global journalism organization, we appreciate that only a portion of our audience is located in Canada, but in solidarity with our partner media outlets, and the Canadian public, we will not be posting on Facebook, Threads, or Instagram at this time. 

At the GRC we are committed to accessible media for everyone. We join Canadian media organizations in calling on Meta to restore access to news in Canada — both Canadian and international media, independent and public. 

To continue to read our stories and follow our work, here are some ways you can find us:

For more reading on Bill C-18 and Meta’s news block:
