Category: Vancouver Institute
From Discovery to Application: ACE2 as a Rational Therapy for COVID-19
Dr. Josef Penninger’s findings on angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and its role in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) infections have contributed to the rapid identification of a potential drug molecule that entered Phase II clinical trials for the treatment of COVID-19 infection in April 2020.
The New Corporation: How “Good” Corporations are Bad for Democracy
Dr. Joel Bakan is an internationally renowned legal scholar and commentator. He has worked on landmark legal cases and government policy. He is the Director of the documentary “The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel.”
Living with COVID-19: The Long Game
Dr. RĂ©ka Gustafson is involved in surveillance, prevention, and control of communicable diseases, such as HIV and Tuberculosis, and outbreak response. She is responsible for the delegated functions of the BC Centre for Disease Control under the Public Health Act.
Commanding Hope: The Power We Have to Renew a World in Peril
Dr. Thomas Homer-Dixon was founding director of the Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation. His interdisciplinary research focuses on threats to global security in the 21st century, including economic instability, climate change, and energy scarcity.
CANCELLED: Commanding Hope: The Power we have to Safeguard a World in Peril
Dr. Homer-Dixon’s interdisciplinary research focuses on threats to global security in the 21st century, including economic instability, climate change, and energy scarcity.
CANCELLED: Baby Bugs to Aging Bugs: Exploring the Microbes Pivotal to a Healthy Long Life
Brett and Jessica Finlay have coauthored The Whole-Body Microbiome: How to Harness Microbes— Inside and Out—for Lifelong Health.
CANCELLED: Why are Baby Boomers Killing Themselves? A Look at the Growing Suicide Rate
Don Gillmor prolific production includes the two-volume Canada: A People’s History (2002) that appeared as a companion to the CBC series of that name, and his first novel, the critically acclaimed Kanata
In Search of Emily Carr’s Woo: Monkey, Muse, Mystery
Hayter-Menzies’ biographic work focuses on the lives of extraordinary women, like Emily Carr and the story of the Javanese monkey Woo, a companion of BC artist Emily Carr.
Adventures in the Storytelling Trade: Truthiness in an Age of Myth
Ian Weir is the writer and executive producer of the acclaimed crime thriller Dragon Boys, a CBC miniseries. He was also creator and executive producer of the long-running CBC teen drama Edgemont.
What is the Universe Made of? Mapping the Cosmos with Chime
Dr. Gary Hinshaw is a cosmologist and physicist who was a recipient of the 2018 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for his work on mapping the early universe.