Updates + Events
Targeted-Disinformation Campaigns Against Journalists
Journalists are on the front-lines of efforts to unmask campaigns of disinformation by actors such as political operatives, racist conspiracy theorists, or corrupt corporations.
Media Freedom Panel: Disinformation and Attacks on Reporters’ Credibility
A free press is essential to democracy, but disinformation and attacks on reporters’ credibility undermine media freedom. Join us for a discussion about these attacks and the impacts they have on press freedom.
Interactive Learning Opportunities for “America’s Medical Supply Crisis”
The Pulitzer Center supported education resources related to “America’s Medical Supply Crisis.” These curricular resources offer a viewing guide and lesson plan for exploring the documentary in class, the opportunity to bring public health journalists into your classroom, and more.
On Chinaâs New Silk Road: In Conversation with Mary Kay Magistad
Join Mary Kay Magistad for a conversation about the making of the new GRC podcast, “On China’s New Silk Road.”
Global Reporting Program receives $1.5 Million Donation
Transformative pledge as pandemic underscores the need for global journalism.
Global Reporting Program recognized with award nominations and wins
The Global Reporting Programâs investigation into the global fishmeal industry wins gold at the Digital Publishing Awards.
Re-Airing of Unseen Enemy: Pandemic on CNN
Unseen Enemy, a documentary on global pandemics, re-airs on CNN at 10 pm EDT.
The Outlaw Ocean: A conversation with Ian Urbina
Pulitzer Prize winner Ian Urbina discusses his new book, The Outlaw Ocean: Journeys Across the Last Untamed Frontier